compareMS2, Take Two
In a recently published JPR paper, we describe how sets of tandem mass spectra can be compared to each other, without any prior knowledge about genomes, protein sequences or spectra. So what, you ask?
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Some Thoughts on MDPI
The Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, MDPI, is an Open-Access scientific publisher that have grown exponentially in recent years. Much of this growth comes in the form of Special Issues which, as it turns out, are not all that special.
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Tortured Phrases and Plagerism
Guest post by Ben Neely. In a recent lecture by Elisabeth Bik, the concept of "tortured phrases" came up. What are they, and can I make them?
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How a successful scientific paper is a lot like a Eurovision winner
Tomorrow, May 14, 2022, is the Grand Final of the 66th Eurovision Song Contest, with hundreds of millions of fans across Europe (from Azerbaijan to Australia) spending their Saturday evening watching one of the greatest spectacles on television.
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Proteomics and Machine Learning
Proteomics and Machine Learning is an explosive combination. Explosive in the sense of rapidly expanding and with far-reaching impact.
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Fall Colors
As someone with allergies, fall is probably my favorite season. Especially on clear, sunny days.
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